It’s hard to beat a cup of coffee from the renowned Antigua region.
High in the Sierra Madres the volcanic soil, rich in minerals and nutrients, produce the outstanding flavors unique to this region. Our Los Volcanes Antiguan coffee brings caramel notes to the palate and finishes with deep, subtle hints of what one taster found reminiscent of honey, melon and lemon.
This coffee is grown on small plots at elevations nearing 5,000 feet on the slopes of the Sierra Madres between volcanoes named Agua (water) and Fuego (fire). Farmers cultivate coffee varietals including Bourbon and Typica under a canopy of native Gravillea and Chalum trees that provide the perfect amount of shade. After top quality ripe coffee cherries are carefully hand-picked and selected the utmost care is used during the milling and drying process to ensure consistent quality.
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